Observant and Intelligent In Choosing an Health Insurance Product

Observant and Intelligent In Choosing an Health Insurance Product

Pain is not bad, but with insurance at least be able to offset the cost of treatment for the disease we Speaking of pain, it would be delicious if the treatment of diseases that we suffer the insurance covered. I imagine if I suffer from diseases severity. At the age of ten years ago, my parents definitely will hassles take care of her daughter's treatment. Age child, at most, a disease that I suffered the fever, ulcers, cough and colds. Now, the more you get older, more and more variations of my illness, hahaha ...
In Choosing an Health Insurance Product
Well, if my disease or ever suffered a type of disease that requires large amounts of medical expenses, insurance is certainly a very important role. Honestly, as a freelance worker (freelancer), I do not have privileges like office workers who every time outpatient, can insurance reimbursement. So, like fever, kek, flu, kek, diarrhea, kek, if not hospitalized, yes all the costs, both doctors and medicine (plus hospital administration), my own responsibility.
 In Choosing an Health Insurance Product
But, when I was exposed to a disease that requires hospitalization I especially surgery, then I have a private insurance that can be structured to cover all expenses charged by the hospital. Because there is not only no doctor's fees and costs of drugs, but there is also the cost of room per day, the cost of injection drug for infusions, bandages and alcohol costs, the cost of medical equipment, the cost of eating three times a day by the hospital .. Whew, my own to memorize, hahaha. If you do not have to eat out of the hospital how? For example entrusted to visit family for hosted nasi padang, somay dumplings and noodles? Yes responsibility alone tomorrow, tomorrow you are not cured, even inside the ER deh, he he he. In Choosing an Health Insurance Product

Especially if you are inoperable, no operating room costs, the cost of ICU (before you went into surgery usually you will be lodged here first), the cost of the surgeon, anesthetist fee .. And the cost for each piece I mentioned this, not possible under one million dollars. Although you are not corrupt tycoon descent and wealthy to seven generations, still money that you got it better channeled to buy precious metals or investment property rather than pay the costs of hospital care.
In Choosing an Health Insurance Product
Two important elements in the purchase of health insurance products

This is where your foresight in buying a package of insurance products plays an important role. It is certain, you buy insurance products in relation to treatment, health insurance yes. How to choose the right health insurance? If advice from me anyway, the whole experience of using products ever offered health insurance through a friend or telemarketing, which is essential to contain the following two elements:
In Choosing an Health Insurance Product
1. The cost of the premium according to ability

Yes, do not let you buy insurance premium for the convenience of platinum maximum hospital services, but your own empot-empotan pay premiums. Although, the magnitude of this premium will determine the benefits of protection that you get, for example, inpatient rooms as you like grade 1, 2, 3 or VIP, make sure if you are still able to meet the needs of another life after deducting the cost of premiums. You can choose to pay a monthly premium, every mid-year, or yearly. There are several direct debit insurance premium costs from your account, or from your credit card. Everything is up to your choice, which is important not to overload you. Because such words Ligwina Hananto, financial planners, "Insurance that nature as willing umbrella in rainy season. If it does not rain, so do not use an umbrella. "So, 'umbrella' yes insurance, just in case you get sick at the time, as needed.

2. Benefits of protection
In Choosing an Health Insurance Product
This is the second thing that is important to me. Of premiums that I pay it, what are the benefits of protection that I get? Does the insurance cover the critical illnesses and severe as heart disease, stroke, diabetes? Remember tablets, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes is a chronic disease whose treatment can be up to many years. In addition to mental patience, patience your finances also tested. This is my own experience late mother who suffered a stroke in their lifetime. Does the insurance cover the diseases associated with femininity and women anyway because I had experienced one of the diseases mentioned below: eg uterine or breast cancer, cysts, endometriosis? If yes, does it include outpatient protection as well? Because most heavy outpatient yes, because they have to control regularly once a month or once every three months, and each control must be new drugs or vitamins. All of it is not cheap. If vitamins are not covered insurance (as it usually is not covered), at least the cost of physicians and health tools can be covered.

In addition to severe disease protection which I mentioned above, a good insurance should also cover the other diseases that require hospitalization, such as dengue fever, typhoid (this disease Indonesian people really, deh, he he), dysentery. Usually in the policy book will be mentioned diseases that covered any kind, usually caused by bacteria and viruses, the average insurance can still provide protection for these benefits.
In Choosing an Health Insurance Product
Additional benefits insurance

Moreover, there are some health insurance provide additional benefits, such as the benefits of the investment, the benefits of accident and death benefit protection, health protection benefits for traveling abroad, the benefits of return of premium if no claims, double benefit claims, and some even cover the dental care. My advice personally, if investment, mah, better to buy precious metals, if you can afford the property. Investments of insurance kagak no significant results, cuy! For example ya, the average insurance promising compensation of 100 million dollars after twenty years. But, imagine, in the next twenty years, if the 100 million dollars it still be worth it? 100 million could be used what it after twenty years, while inflation in Indonesia has always rise, the prices of basic necessities sharp shot.In Choosing an Health Insurance Product

Sun Medicash: Health Insurance with Best Benefits

Among some good health insurance products in Indonesia, I see Sun Medicash from SunLife Financial, including one worth considering. It's a shame I only learned of this insurance product now, because as other health insurance products, there is usually a so-called waiting period. Well, SunMedicash including health insurance has a waiting period requirement is quite fast, lasting only 30 days. What is the waiting period? Simply ya, for example, you buy health insurance today. Uh, you're forced to be hospitalized the next day at the doctor due to a typhoid. You must be observant, you buy the insurance, the waiting period for how long? If the 30-day waiting period, so you can not take advantage of the protection of health insurance you buy it, in other words, all the costs of treatment and hospitalization borne!

The luxury of hospital facilities will not mean anything if you are sick
One thing never happened, I experienced my endometriosis cyst that requires large-scale surgical operation. However, because I have health insurance waiting period was barely a year, with very forced insurance I can not use. Fortunately there are a large family who kindly sponsored me. If not, what is the power of our financial condition, while my late mother at that time was also a stroke, the cost of treatment is addressed to him.

SunLife Medicash also provide a double benefit claims. That is, if you already have a health insurance from other providers, and suddenly you are required hospitalization by physicians. Later, in addition you can take advantage of protection of health insurance that you have, you can also ask for reimbursement of hospitalization costs to SunLife. Thus, the benefits of protection that you get double nature!

And most importantly, SunLife Medicash return of premium benefit up to 50%. Pretty well, so you have paid premiums are not all forfeited if the insurance period is up.
In Choosing an Health Insurance Product
Up here, you may get more detailed information about selecting a good health insurance objectively. I say objectively, because I myself also users of some health insurance products, so finally I know which one is really the best and maximum benefits, which are not.

But ... certainly better yes you always healthy. Although health insurance that you have provide protection platinum, but whose names are ill want anything fancy as the service remains uneasy. Better luxury vacation facilities and roads rather than luxury hospital services. Believe, me, with me;). In Choosing an Health Insurance Product

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