Tips on Choosing Insurance

Tips on Choosing Insurance

Now it has a lot of financial institutions labeled sharia, be it Islamic banks, Islamic insurance, mortgage Islamic and Islamic finance institutions. This indicates that the Islamic financial institution is needed by the community. The rise of Islamic financial institutions is something that is reasonable, considering the majority of Indonesia's population is Muslim and universal values that exist in Islamic economics as justice for the customers to be accepted by all people, including non-Muslims.
Tips on Choosing Insurance
With the increasing number of Islamic insurance which stands, of course choices (prospective) customers become more and more, not just one or two companies that offer a wide range of product features, but even dozens of companies that have Takaful products.

So that we are not wrong to choose Islamic insurance, here are some tips that we need to consider:
Tips on Choosing Insurance
1. Knowing Needs
Holder or insurance buyer should know what insurance a necessity. Needs may include Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Accident Insurance, Insurance Education or insurance that also functions for investment (unit-linked). When in doubt, ask your opinion, colleagues, or insurance sales agent you trust.Tips on Choosing Insurance

2. Selecting Takaful Company business Tips on Choosing Insurance
Find out how long the company has been running the sharia insurance business. The longer a company engaged in the business she lived, of course, can describe how the condition of the company. It is also how the company's experience in the payment of claims to its customers, what ever the company is negligent in the case of payment of claims to customers.

3. Sharia Supervisory Board Tips on Choosing Insurance
All Islamic financial institutions including Islamic insurance has a Shariah Supervisory Board. Sharia Supervisory Board consists of people who understand Islamic economics. The existence of DPS will ensure that all insurance products are managed in ways that permitted by sharia.

4. Clarity Akad Insurance Tips on Choosing Insurance
Fill agreement plays an important role regarding the status of insurance policy premiums. When akadnya Islamic insurance, there is no term "scorched fund" for life insurance, so that if the customer for any reason not to extend the premium, then it should fund the premium has been paid previously is still there, although the number is not 100% again. This is because the funds paid customers have reduced administrative costs while taking care of the insurance policy.

5. Learn Illustration Provided
Insurance illustration depicts an estimate of how the funds will be obtained by a borrower to the end of the agreement period. If illustrations are given very unnatural, eg benefit (profit sharing) is well above the result of Islamic banks in general, we do not immediately tempted, but we should react wisely. Note the assumptions listed in the illustration sheet.

6. Adjust the Insurance Benefits
Before choosing an insurance program, first read the benefits and features of the insurance program that we wish to buy. For example, the benefits only to the risk of death, then we will not get the benefit when we just get sick or injured. Or vice versa, is a product that we buy accident insurance, then we will not get the benefit when we are exposed to certain diseases.

7. Premium Rate
Premium rates are quite competitive (fair) in the sense of not cheap, can be used as a benchmark in choosing an insurance company would we choose, but this is not the main one, because it could be the premium is too low, the company would like to extract maximum funds, while the benefits insurance provided is narrowed. Eg car insurance simply by rate of 1.00% will not necessarily be sufficient to cover operating costs, let alone to pay claims.
Tips on Choosing Insurance
8. Choosing a Sales Agent
Choose the insurance sales agent you trust can provide the product description is correct and complete. Professional realtors who have membership numbers AAJI (Indonesia Life Insurance Association). They have been through the stages of the test as a professional agent and registered officially. So if you later face a problem with your policy, where the agent is known and insurance companies take responsibility. Remember that you buy insurance products for the long term. Make sure the service you will get is the best.

 Tips on Choosing Insuranc
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