Life Insurance and Health Insurance

Life Insurance and Health Insurance

Is a product designed specifically for students who want a thorough insurance benefits, when the unfortunate participants died either due to illness or accident; total permanent disability due to illness or accident; partial permanent disability due to accident; Daily compensation fund for the participants were admitted to hospital and also benefits when participants experienced or suffer a critical illness.

Participants are also entitled to a cash value policy when the membership expires.

Advantages of Takaful Falah

     Extensive benefits
     Takaful Falah provide complete protection option for participants consisting of:
  • Al-Khairat (Term Insurance)
  • Personal Accident (Personal Accident)
  • Total Permanent Disability (Total Permanent Disability)
  • Daily Hospitalisation Benefit (Cash Plan)
  • Compensation for Special Diseases (Critical Illness / Dread diseases)
  • Cash Value Policy
Freedom of ChoiceTakaful Falah provide freedom for the participants to choose the type of protection in accordance with the wishes and needs of the participants.

Sharing of Interesting
Falah Takaful will provide the results of 80% of the investment return on the Fund Savings Account participants.

Part of the premium diakadkan to bear one another and helping each other among the participants in the event of a disaster.


The program is marketed in the local currency.

Takaful premiums

Premium Payment
Can be paid in annual and Burst

The amount of premiums
Premiums by way of annual payments of at least Rp 1.000.000, - (one million dollars).

Age of Participation
Entry age to become participants from 17 years to 60 years with a calculation based on the age nearest birthday.

period of Agreement

     Entry age plus maximum contract period of 65 years
     Period of Insurance Agreement at least 5 years

Terms of Membership

     Physically healthy (physically and mentally) and not being ill or being in care physician
     Filling Insurance Request Form and follow the rules set by the Company's Underwriting
     A medical examination (medical) in accordance with the provisions set forth Underwriting Company

Al-Khairat (Term Insurance) is a Key Benefits. Given to the heirs if the Participant dies either due to illness or an accident.

Personal Accident Benefit Supplement is first. Granted to the Participant or Beneficiary if the Participant dies or partial permanent disability due to accident.

Total Permanent Disability (Total Permanent Disability / TPD) is a second Additional Benefits. Given to participants when participants experienced a total permanent disability (Disfunction) due to illness or accident.

Daily Hospitalisation Benefit Fund (Cash Plan) is the third Additional Benefits. Given to the participants during the Participant is hospitalized in a hospital due to illness or accident.

Cash Plan Benefits Main Benefits adjusted based on the following conditions:
Main benefits (Al-Khairat) s / d 10 million Cash Plan - 100 (CP100)
Main benefits (Al-Khairat) s / d 20 million Max. s / d Cash Plan - 200 (CP200)
Main benefits (Al-Khairat) s / d 30 million Max. s / d Cash Plan - 300 (CP300)
Main benefits (Al-Khairat) s / d 40 million Max. s / d Cash Plan - 400 (CP400)
Main benefits (Al-Khairat) over 40 million Max. s / d Cash Plan - 500 (CP500)

Critical Illness Benefit (Critical Illness / Dread Diseases) is the fourth Supplementary Benefit. Granted to the Participant if the Participant is diagnosed with a critical illness or experiencing the life of the agreement. The fourth benefit maximum of 50% of the Key Benefits.

Cash Value Policy

If participants live until the end of the contract, stopping or experiencing claims resulting membership expires, then the concerned or their heirs will be paid the cash value policy following an accumulation of Premium Savings investment results.

Diseases covered by critical Benefit Critical Illness / Dread Diseases

     First Heart Attack
     Coronary Heart Surgery
     Heart Valve Replacement Surgery
     Fulminant viral hepatitis
     Chronic Liver Disease
     Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (Primary)
     Lung Disease End Stage
     Kidney Failure
     anemia Apastis
     Important Organ Transplantation
     Loss of ability Seeing (blind)
     Losing Hearing Capabilities (deaf)
     Loss of Speech (mute)
     multiple Sclerosis
     Muscular Dystrophy
     Alzheimer's Disease
     Disease Motor Neoron
     Parkinson's Disease
     Aorta Vessel Operations
     Big Burn

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