Health Insurance and How to Choose the Right Health Insurance

Health Insurance and How to Choose the Right Health Insurance

Of the various types of insurance available, one of which is health insurance. The meaning of his own health insurance is insurance that protects the health costs that arise when a person who follows insurance sick or have an accident. In general, health care costs are covered by insurance companies there are two types of outpatient and inpatient care.

To choose the right health insurance, here are some tips that can be done.
  • Make sure you get a detailed and comprehensive information about health insurance products that you want to follow. Start of benefits that you will receive, the amount of premium, the protection provided and the way the procedure to claim.

  • Know what diseases are covered by the insurance products that you want to follow. Is also include dangerous diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Likewise, if an accident does including permanent disability. Knowing clearly and will detail what diseases are covered is very important that you can decide exactly which health insurance products would be "bought".
  • Know also given protection detail. In the insurance products that you follow, there is usually a limit of protection provided. For example, inpatient room limit per day, limit doctor visits, and so on. That is, of the insurance products that you buy are usually still there is a limit given. It is important to know, so that when for example you are being sick, you can know what are the limits which will be covered by the insurance.

Important note also about the list of hospitals that can be claimed using the health insurance products. Especially the hospital close to where you live. Ask also about the treatment measures are covered, whether covering all treatment efforts (of doctors, medications, surgery, room) or just part of it.
  • Make sure you choose a health insurance company that is reliable. Find out how the insurance company's track record. Learn also about the rules and intricacies of the insurance company that you will follow.

One example is the health insurance products SmartCare Executive of Axa Insurance in Indonesia. This health insurance has many options that can be tailored to your health insurance needs. The cost of the protection afforded to reach 25000 USD for disability benefits (disability) and an annual limit up to a maximum of 50000 USD.

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