Why Insurance Is Important?

Why Insurance Is Important?

There is one thing that is always faced by every person in this world, that is the risk. The risk is always there because of our ignorance of the condition which will occur in the future. Because it is so, then it would make any option into two sides which run concurrently and concomitantly, the risk and the profit side. For example, if we decide to use the car, then we will avoid the risk of rain and heat. But we will meet with the risks of accidents and damage to the car. Another example, if we decide to work hard, then we are likely to be benefited by getting more money, but we are faced with the risk of disease due to lack of taking care of your body. The question, whether the risk can be reduced?

The concept of insurance came up those needs, in which every human being needs peace in her life. And generally, people feel the calmness when he realized that they were on track contains little or minimal risk. And insurance business there to bridge that, where a person can shift risk dihadapinyake insurance company. To get coverage against the risks it faces, someone has to pay a premium to an insurance company in which the amount depends on the size of the risk transferred to the insurer (insurance company).

Definition of general insurance is an agreement in which the person makes a bond with the insured to receive a premium to provide a reimbursement to the insured on a risk of loss, damage, or loss which may be suffered as a result of unexpected events.

By taking an insurance product, then someone will be more calm in their activities. A person does not need to think about the risks that may arise as a result of an event, since most of the risk has been transferred to the insurance company.

In this article will only discuss more about the insurance associated with the man himself such as life insurance, health insurance and unit-linked insurance.


Life insurance is the oldest insurance products in Indonesia. This type of insurance will provide some compensation to the heirs of the insurance money left if the customer or insured mennggal world either because of illness or accident. This insurance shall be held by a person on his productive time and have a family. So if there is something undesirable, then the deceased would also leave and bequeath a sum of money sufficient to meet the needs of the tanga or run still run plan bereaved family members, especially their children.

Life insurance is made up of a variety of products and enhancements (riders). Generally, life insurance is divided into two kinds, namely life insurance and term life insurance whole life.

Type of term life insurance policy holders are protected ensures a certain period, for example 10 to 30 years. Example: Mr. A type of term life insurance purchased with a maturity of 20 years at the age of 29 years. That question will be covered by insurance until the age of 49 years. If a father died within a period of 20 years since he took the insurance policy, then the compensation will be given to the soul heir. Conversely, if a father died at the age of 49 years had passed (over the past 20 years since the insurance policy was taken), then the question will not get any compensation for the soul.

Types of whole life insurance (whole life) protects the policyholder until death is concerned, is not tied to the death of any age.

As long as insurance premiums continue to be paid, the insurance policy will continue to provide protection. This causes a type of whole life insurance is also in demand by the public, especially children in insure premium value since a young age when reasonably priced and this value remained the same during the life of the child until the age of adulthood.

Type of term life insurance that have a certain period of time, offering cheaper premiums several times more than the type of whole life insurance.


Health insurance risk transfer is intended on hospital costs, the cost of the examination, and treatment if an insured having certain diseases.

This insurance is necessary if one expects a certain standard on health care facilities that may be required at a later date. We have many companies that provide health insurance facility for its employees.


This insurance product is an insurance product that is a combination of a variety of products from health and life insurance with investment features in one package. There are at least three (3) unit-linked insurance advantages when compared with other types of insurance, the investment pililhan diverse, a combination of insurance and investment interest in one package, and a high degree of flexibility.

In unit-linked customers are given the freedom to choose the type of investment. Do customers prefer the type of investment that has a high risk, medium or low. In addition, customers are also given the freedom to change the allocation of funds in the future.

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