Tips for Choosing the Right Education Insurance for Choosing the Right Education Insurance

Children are a precious treasure for parents, so they always try to give my best for the child. Of course the problem child's education is a major concern for parents. Meanwhile, the fact that education costs always increase over time. In response to this, the education of children should be well planned early on to ensure the child's school fees.

Insurance education is a wise solution for it, you do not need to hassle with the cost of attending school or college children in the future. Then, using the education insurance occurs when a current plight yourself against yourself, but education can still continue. Of course before deciding to choose insurance there are a few things you need to do them:

Learn insurance agent first. An important step that you should do when trying to choose an insurance agent is to study the company's first. You need to find out the reputation of the company by doing a search in Google search engine. After finding out and started to believe on the insurance company, then the company go directly to inquire Rice-Based Capital (RBC) in related parties. Basically healthy RBC in the percentage of 200%, while its minimum RBC was 120%. The term insurance is the number of RBC in the capital that must be guaranteed by an insurer to the government in terms of the ability of customers to pay insurance claims.

Calculate the education budget in detail. The next thing you should do is to calculate in detail the cost of educating a child in the future. Starting from where one day you will send the baby and calculate the cost of school today. Then, calculate the cost of education when your child entered school using the Time Value of Money. Remember that the rate of increase of inflation in Indonesia within the last 15 years ranging from 12% -15%, while the cost of education will rise 20% to 25%. So the percentage-percentage is also important to be taken into account. Thus, you will know how much education costs incurred later.

Comparing premiums to the value of savings. Next, it's time you compare the premium with the value of saving. As we know that the premium is a sum of money that must be paid to the insurance company every month or year. Choose the insurance premiums you can afford, do not because they can not pay your policy premium must be stopped in the middle of the road. After that, try to compare with the value of education savings to be withdrawn in time. That way you will know whether the funds from the exit will be sufficient future cost of your child's education.

Flexible in withdrawal of money. Things you need to consider further is the issue of withdrawal of funds. Choose a flexible policy in penarikakan because there are companies that can not be withdrawn before the specified time. Will be troublesome if your child follows the accelerated classes and go to the next level more quickly than it should.

Consider additional facilities. If you are using insurance as a guarantor of educational baby, the focus for it. Many insurance packages offer other facilities such as health care, critical illness and others. So, you do not need to be tempted by the offer. Because it could be it could affect the amount of your savings. However, if you have more funds, is fine if you want to use additional facilities.

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