Intellectual Experience as Catalytic

Hurting conveys us to a spot where we wrestle with verity material of life & nbsp;
Death, relational break, import, who I am, deep letdowns ( this is not the style I believed life would turn out! ) & nbsp; all of these spring us transformational chances why?
Because we come to recognize we hold get on autopilot with some premiss... and those premiss ever find how we understand the ego & nbsp; The WHO Americium I oppugn & nbsp;
What are some of the premiss you hold runned with over the eld that you hold come to agnize in your knowingness were really doing some of your enduring or forestallling you from seing full life? & nbsp; Perissos life ( abundant life of Bathroom10.10 )?
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; One of my large premises - map your life by licking what you are named to so work hard to continue the mapped terrain & nbsp;
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; If you obey God you will be blessed and life will be better and easier for it!
Acknowledgement of our premiss that inform how we organise our individuality aid us loosed control and dissolve the hurting coming from those premises
Obeisance takes blessing... I ca n't state you how many people I cognize that hold seen deep hurting over this issue because they came to realise after eld and eld that they were disappointed with God because this was the concealed premiss.
This locomotes a long mode in us stating us tales about ourselves to ourselves about what God and others conceive and value or not value in us.
2. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Noetic Experiences...
Noetic comes from the Grecian word nous that cites to a subjective personal experiential rather cognition & nbsp; It is direct experience cognizing.
Not all transformative doors arepainful. & nbsp; 23 % state unpleasant. 51 % really pleasant.
These would be moments we travel beyond ordinary consciousness to religious knowingness which should be ordinary but is n't.
Moments of profound awe... the sunset representative comes to mind & nbsp;
Admiration, transcendent blissfulness, these can be portals into deep last modification that open us to a macrocosm that we maked n't cognizeexisted. & nbsp;
& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Elijah holded this unofficially of a mount & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Paul holded this on the Dimash route. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Peter James and Toilet holded this on the Mount of Transfiguration
I believe what is especially interesting for my journeying is I holded a rattlingly deep intellectual experience bonefishing that posed me on an consciousness journeying I would hold ne'er get on otherwise, and 30 years after ( nearly to the day ) saw my matrimony unravel and my wife registering for divorcement )
Both portals of hurting and intellectual experiences hitting at the occasion of holding but left my church of 18 eld to begin into a new ministry orbits were catalytic in raising a new transformational skyline for me.
Intellectual experiences can too hap though as a portion of drawn-out pattern....
Ongoing speculation pattern & nbsp; Christ ' supplication, merely make what I see the begetter make.
What both of these experiences make is assistance us agnise we hold been sleep in a personally storied limited universe & nbsp; In other words the universe I am sleep in is much much littleer than the macrocosm I am presently getting cognisant consciousness is expanding... my creation is expanding, my knowingness is expanding.

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