By: Smith James
Purchasing car insurance is easy if you do not mind paying too much and is ready to meet with nasty surprises after making a claim. But if you want the best quality car insurance for the lowest price, things may not as easy as you may think. If you are really looking for lowest possible premiums and that also without sacrificing the level of cover you want then start asking yourself the following questions.
How many kilometers do you drive on average is one of the important factors that affects the premium amount of your car insurance. As a rule, the more you drive, the more you pay. Keep the miles you drive as low as possible. If necessary, use public transport couple of days in the month. You can also use another smart trick. When filling up the column in the insurance application form that shows the kilometers you drive, round down from the nearest thousand. For example, write 5,500 instead of 6,000.
Choosing the right insurance agency also help you buy the best policy at lowest rate. For that you have to search and find out which are the agencies that offer discount without hampering the cover you want. You may get discount from major insurers if you buy your insurance from them online. The way you pay the premium also influences the cost of the car insurance you buy. If you pay off your annual premium all in one go, you can save money.
As a tradition, insurance companies base most of their pricing decisions on statistics. However, the newest trend prevailing in car insurance is to provide specialized policies to special category of purchasers. So, work it out whether you belong to any special group and are there any discount for you. This way, you can save good amount of money and yet get the right insurance policy.
The author is an expert in car insurance and has written a number of authoritative articles on this subject. His articles are widely read because of the clever tips and valuable advices he provides in them.
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