Accident Insurance At A Glance

Accident Insurance At A Glance

Casualty insurance Although everyone thinks that it is always only the other applies: An accident has happened quickly. For only a brief moment of inattention is sufficient. However, the consequences of an accident can change life drastically. Who is permanently incapacitated, has quickly reached the end of the money. Accident insurance provides financial help here, especially if disability insurance should not be possible.

State guarantees not from

The conclusion of an accident insurance alone is so vital because there are no benefits from the state, as annuity, if someone had an accident. But many people do not even know that. Who is younger than 52 years old, gets only a disability pension, the amount of which depends on the previously paid contributions into the statutory pension insurance. It is certain that the state supply is sufficient under any circumstances to life. Here you can help to make the worst consequences least tolerable accident insurance. But most are diseases the causes of disability

Because in a good 90 percent of all cases in which the profession can no longer be exercised, a disease of this is the cause, the disability insurance is just as important as a rule, such as accident insurance. Because this pay both a case of illness, as well as in an accident. The accident insurance pays the other hand, when disability occurs due to an accident. However, those who can not enter into more disability insurance, because this is denied by the medical history, still has the opportunity to conclude an accident insurance. From the Stiftung Warentest is also recommended that children should be protected with a children's disability insurance. Because this insurance pays even if a permanent disability occurs due to illness: This is when children in most cases the cause of a disability. Especially for children, for students and trainees the private accident insurance is more than recommended. Because these do not have the majority of their life in front of him. Also located should homemakers, as well as freelancers and entrepreneurs protect against disability by accident, especially if they have no legal or occupational insurance.

Depending on the degree of disability will be paid

Thanks to the accident insurance to at least the financial consequences of an accident are reduced. Normally, the insured once gets a certain sum, which is calculated according to the level of disability in an accident. Who, for example, loses an arm, which gets 70 percent of the contracted sum insured. The loss of a hand is given as 55 percent. Where, however, the accident occurred due to the influence of alcohol, do not pay for the insurance. Even someone who is doing such dangerous sports such as skydiving or paragliding, must be fused separately for this purpose. Even for a single death pays the accident insurance.

Contribution amount of accident insurance

With a low occupational hazards to be reckoned with an annual contribution of at least 90 euros. At a high occupational risk of annual contribution is correspondingly higher, and at least 150 euros. But not only the profession has an impact on the level of costs for accident insurance, but also the amount of the agreed total of the contract sum insured. Here, the highest possible amount should rather be chosen because of this sum then the payoff depends percentage. As a minimum amount of 200,000 euros should be chosen, because for example in the loss of an eye, a share of 50 percent is paid by the insurer. That would be 100,000 euros in this case. If, however, the total number of accident insurance at 300,000 euros, 150,000 euros will be paid. With a so-called progression can even be more than 100 percent agree and at a partial disability for more money to be paid.

Be careful with repayment bonuses

From accident insurance that promise after the contract ends without accident, to repay the money, distance should be taken. Here not only the interest on the money is rather meager. A contract that is cheap and inexpensive is, in any case better and that this money saved can create decidedly better elsewhere.

Rather leave detailed advice

An accident insurance is a rather complicated insurance and can in detail have ample perils and pitfalls. There are companies that are also also offer such casualty insurance at very fair conditions and still low, but unfortunately, also companies that offer rather lousy conditions. Here is a comprehensive counseling very helpful and advisable. Insurance, which act independently of a particular society and have more insurance in their portfolio, can often trustworthy advice. There are also court-approved insurance consultant or staff from consumer protection. Even on the Internet, many information can be found who are not well versed with it, should seek experienced help.

Comparison of accident insurance

The members of the tax insurance company is a good indication of an initial comparison. Because here is the percentage that will be paid in case of loss of a body part. If the insured person was already in poor health, then you have to inquire well on how the provider handles this. Another possibility of comparison are the reporting deadlines within which the supplier must be informed of the incurred disability discretion. Family rates are also here something usually less expensive and who pays his contributions on a monthly basis rather than annually, can also save.

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